PhD Students

We welcome enquiries for rotation projects from any Washington University Ph.D. students. We can currently mentor students enrolled in any of our 12 Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences Ph.D. programs or the Biomedical Engineering Ph.D. program. Students from other Washington University graduate programs interested in our lab should first confirm eligibility rules with their departmental or program administrators. Per Washington University regulations, we are not permitted to consider any graduate trainees for direct admission into our lab (i.e. you must first be accepted to one of the above programs). Interested students should e-mail dantas[at], and are also strongly encouraged to contact current lab members to learn about our research.

Undergraduate Students

Undergraduate students enrolled at Washington University in St. Louis:
We welcome enquiries for independent research and training opportunities during the academic year and summer. We prefer to accept students through official Wash U. independent research courses such as Bio 200/500.

Summer research opportunities:
We welcome enquiries for summer research internships from any undergraduate or high school students. We strongly encourage interested students to identify and apply for independent stipend support for their internship with us. Deadlines for most fellowships occur in the late Autumn and Winter preceding the summer in question, and applicants should contact us well in advance of applicable deadlines. Fellowship opportunities through Washington University include the Amgen Scholars Program and BiomeSURF for undergraduates, and the Young Scientist Program for St. Louis area high school students.

Post-doctoral Fellows

We are happy to consider post-doctoral fellow applicants. Interested applicants should send their CV, cover letter (ideally describing specific independent projects), and contact information for at least three references to dantas[at]

Research Technicians

We currently do not have any open research technician positions.